Welcome to Davai Ismutama Komunikasi
Davai Ismutama KomunikasiDavai Ismutama KomunikasiDavai Ismutama Komunikasi
(Sat - Thursday)
Alif Suwandono, Bekasi Barat
Davai Ismutama KomunikasiDavai Ismutama KomunikasiDavai Ismutama Komunikasi

We help make your video content safe for publication.

We understand that sometimes content creators experience difficulties when the videos they produce accidentally violate community rules. And sometimes it hinders the monetization they should receive for those videos.

We are here to accompany you, find any violations contained in the videos you have produced, and suggest how to overcome them. With the following method:

Analyze all your videos.
Adapt to the applied guidelines.
Provide suggestions and input to improve it.
Personal Care Super Support Guaranteed

We provide support services that always provide suggestions and input for video content that you will publish on social media.

And continue to accompany you during the video moderation process until finished.

We also provide support services 24 hours a day for 1 week for handling cases that require special attention.
This aims to immediately solve the problems you are facing, so that you can earn income from the content you have created.

Armed with knowledge of community guidelines on various social media platforms, our team guarantees that the video content you have produced will not violate or violate the community guideline rules that have been implemented by them.

The Benefits of Video Content Consulting

Make your video content show more informative to viewers.
Make your video content safe to share on various social media platforms.
Make your video viewer reach even wider, and get lots of insights.


  • GRAHA RAUM, Lt. 2D
    Jl. Kalimalang, No.1, JORR Kalimalang, Jaka Sampurna, Bekasi Barat, 17145
  • +6221 5692 4015
  • davaismu@davai.co.id


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

Integrated services to enrich the visibility of your business image.

Jakasampurna, Bekasi Barat
(Sat - Thursday)
(09 am - 05 pm)
Open chat
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